For lunch, Juho and I went to a vegan restaurant called "Loving Hut."
For lunch I had 콩국수 (cold soy bean noodles) ^^
It was my first time having it in Korea.
I love it when my mom makes it... no one beats my mom's cooking heehee
Hi Juho!!!! Isn't she lovely?!
For dessert, 비건 팥빙수 (vegan shaved ice)
It was my first time having vegan ice cream. It was actually quite rich in flavor and in texture.. not what I had expected.
Later in the evening, Ivana and I ventured to the KBS Sports Center, where the Give Concert, a relay charity concert, was taking place. The headliner of the event was "Infinite." Ivana desperately wanted to go. I wanted to experience a Korean concert and possibly be introduced to the current popular music, so I tagged along ^^ and I'm so glad I went! I had a blast!!!!
KBS Sports Center
The first act was an instrumental ensemble. There was a violinist, cellist, and guitarist.
The host of the event was MC붐!
Brave Girls. I've never heard of them before. They were entertaining, but it seemed quite obvious that they were lip-syncing... did not appreciate that for the performance quality.
Look at the audience! You can't tell from my poor-quality photo, but a great number of the audience members, particularly the ones sitting up close, had DSLR cameras with gargantuan lenses. I was a little scared as to how devoted the fans were..... kinda stalker-ish?
There were 2 groups (not famous, I think) that came out and danced to famous songs, like by Sistar and Infinite.
You can't tell from the photo, but a group of young children came on stage and sang "You Raise Me Up." I was very moved and just so reminded of God's love and mercy while listening to the children sing...
At one point, I had to use the bathroom. (This sounds very random, but I promise you it is relevant! ^^) I headed to one near the stage entrance, since I didn't know where another bathroom was. As I was washing my hands, I saw walk past me the members of Infinite! They were literally 3 feet away from me!! And all of them made eye contact with me! (which is kind of weird, since I was still technically in the women's restroom...) My hands were still wet, so I couldn't take any pictures. But I'm sure that if I even tried, I would have gotten yelled at by a body guard...
I made Ivana sssoooo jealous ^^ heehee all in good fun
The pictures are not great quality, but I was more into just watching and listening, rather than taking pictures.
After the concert was over, Ivana and I TRIED to head out the back door. With all the audience members heading towards the front door, hoping to see the Infinite members, we thought it would be faster to head out the back. Well, as we went down, we saw Infinite! (Since Ivana got to see them this time, she wasn't jealous of me anymore ^^) But dang, those body guards were mean! One roughly/harshly told us to leave, basically pushing us back the way we had come. (It wasn't as if we were planning on being there to see them. It just coincidentally happened..)
Well, thanks to Ivana, I have somewhat expanded on my knowledge of Korean pop music and have accomplished (somewhat) one of my goals for Korea: go see a concert. Infinite has definitely grown on me the last 2 days: I even had one of their songs stuck in my head for the last 3 hours!! ^^
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