Thursday, July 5, 2012

Rain, classes, and more rain

It's been raining quite a lot lately. A couple nights ago, there was a crazy thunder storm. It was so bad, it set off fire alarms in our building! On days it hasn't rained, the weather has actually been very nice and cool. During times of no rain, you can just feel the humidity as your clothes begin to stick to you.
We started classes on Tuesday.
Our lecture hall!

With the weather as it was, I opted to stay indoors for most of the week. Perhaps it was the influence from watching "City Hunter 시티헌터" but I was craving ramen 라면and 떡볶이 (spicy rice cakes) over the last few days, so I made sure to get some ^^
Iced Green Tea Latte!!!

One place I DID go out to was the pharmacy 약국.

Today in our "Hallyu 한류" class, our professor invited a professional 판소리 가수 Pansori singer and a professional 고수 drummer. They performed for our class. It was great listening to and even being a part of something so traditional. Afterwards, our professor brought out her 가야금 (Korean traditional stringed instrument) and played for us.

I don't know if you can tell from this picture, but our professor has her 가야금 and is playing it.

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